A wartime SS Wehrpass in almost perfect condition, with a small black and white photograph of Albert Matschulach, who worked as a prison guard at "Konzentrationslager (concentration camp) Sachsenhausen" and also in "KL Flossenburg".

This SS Wehrpass was issued to a German soldier, pressed into service to serve as a guard at the notorious Sachsenhausen concentration camp mid in the war.

Albert Matschulach was born in 1905, on March 3. Entered the Waffen-SS in 1941, and until 1943 remained at Sachsenhausen (SS-Totenkopf-Sturmbann Sachsenhausen) until March 2, 1943, when he was sent to the Flossenburg Concentration Camp and assigned to an SS-Totenkopf guard battalion.

Albert had the rank of "Sturmann" in 1943 and was after promoted to "Rottenfuhrer" and finally to "Unterscharfuhrer" in 1944.

He possibly served in Flossenburg until the end of the war. His fate thereafter is unknown.

An important wartime era document.