Very scarce Wehrpass to a Hungarian volunteers in Waffen-SS.

This man fought in the 32. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "30 Januar".

Entries from 1942 to the end of the war, with a very nice picture of him in SS uniform and wearing the Infantry Assault Badge.

The "30 Januar" was one of the last SS-Divisions to be formed and fought in the battle for Berlin and finally destroyed in the Halbe pocket.

Michael Stier, the owner of this Wehrpass, prior of the "30 Januar" was in the SS Kavallerie Brigade and then SS Kavallerie Division "Florian Geyer".

This division was responsible for significant anti-partisan warfare and responsible for killing tens of thousands of civilians.

The Wehrpass shows many campaign entries including anti-partisan warfare and operations in Poland.

The Wehrpass shows the typical signs of corrosion around the metal staples typical of all the Wehrpasse found in the chest buried in the Halbe forest.

An extremely rare Wehrpass, belonged to a soldier that fought for the most famous Kavallerie-Division of the SS ad for one of the last SS-Divisions: the "30 Januar".