Rare Heinrich Himmer Honor Ring (or "Totenkopfring der SS"), '30 style ring in worn conditions but with runic panels still visible.

Inside the engraving is pretty nice and still intact.

It says: "S. lb. Pohl 7.3.36 H. Himmler".

Pohl Konrad was born on 2.2.98 and joined the Party with the number 389129.

After he joined the SS and his SS Nr was: 18431.

He served in the 45 SS Standarte, based in Oppeln from April, 1935, after being formed in Neisse. Its popular title remained "Neisse". He reached the grade of SS-Untersturmfuhrer on April 20, 1935.

A very important piece of history belonged to a member of the Allgemeine-SS.