This is a great example of a desirable SS Volunteer Collar Tab. This style of collar tab was intended for wear by men of the 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS RONA (1st Russian), formed of foreign volunteers on the base of Bronislav Kaminski’s Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA.
The front of the tab is emblazoned with a cross and swords emblem that has been neatly machine embroidered in white cotton thread. The tab is made of a typical black badge cloth fabric that has been folded around a tan buckram backing, with the folded edges held in place on the reverse with white machine stitching.
There are no stitch holes on this piece, and no other indication of ever having been affixed to a uniform. It’s just a perfect, unissued tab, with no stains, holes or damage.
This SS Volunteer Collar Tab remains in outstanding, near mint condition.